Soni Hahn is a multidisciplinary UX designer based in New York


Rethinking IKEA logo

IKEA is the one of my favorite brands as a student living in New York because of their pragmatic, simple design and reasonable price. I've been thinking that the logo could be more modernized, more like IKEA that reflects the positive brand image.  Before I reworked the logo of IKEA,

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Art, Science and Enthusiasm

The reason why I decided to take Project Development Class at ITP is because I’m not sure about “my way” to go. I had experienced various area such as architecture, bioscience, IT world and ended up being ITP. I can tell I’m interested in ‘any interesting things’, but in some way, it means that

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Spotify vs. Pandora vs. Songza

There are a lot of free music streaming services out there, and they each have their unique pros and cons. Jerllin and I decided to summarize some of the popular services for free music streaming on mobile devices

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Design analysis - Guggenheim posters

When I was visiting New York in 2009, I went to the Guggenheim Museum that celebrated the golden anniversary of its landmark building with the exhibition Frank Lloyd Wright. And I think the poster design for that exhibition was really great. It definitely adheres to the principles of design: Simplicity, Clarity, and Consistency.

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Observation : Muni-Meter in NY

Right in front of my apartment, there is a Muni-Meter which is a parking meter system that I've never paid attention to before. However, I saw a man staring at it at least 3 minutes without any movement just like the picture above. So I decided to observe the kiosk and tried to find out how

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