NYU Info Central Site Redesign

UI/UX Design, Spring 2016
How can NYU Info Central can be improved to be more intuitive and visually compelling?
Previous Homepage
NYU Info Central is for the current students and faculties, so most of content are accessible only after login
ββ Make the login box more prominent.
Top-left links are categorized based on user type, but it points to the same log-in page
ββ Show the menu after log-in.
Most of links in the homepage redirects to login page
ββ Get rid of unnecessary & login-required content in the homepage.
NYU wants to promote the Mobile app but it looks like the rest of content
ββ Create a distinguishing visual to promote it clearly
Previous landing page
'Student Center' button in the landing page is hard to recognize as a link, and only shows after scrolling down.
ββ Make the 'Student Center' button more prominent
Page looks scattered and lacks hierarchy
ββ Rearrange category in the order of importance and clean up
1. Rethinking Information Architecture
2. Site Flow
3. UX Redesign
Landing page